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Paul Burkholder

Cage Free Brown Hen

more about Paul Burkholder

Code: 612

The farm of Paul Burkholder is located in Shiloh, Ohio.

These chickens are considered free-range, meaning that the hens have access to the outdoors and feed on a pasture. While chickens must have access to the outdoors to be considered free-range, they don’t necessarily have access around-the-clock or every day, but when they are outdoors, it must be for at least six hours per day and must have 2 square feet per bird. Certain factors make it necessary for farmers to limit the access that free-range chickens have to the outdoors, such as freezing temperatures or wintry elements or the presence of predators or migrating birds that may have diseases.

This farm participates in the NPIP program (National Poultry Improvement Plan), which is a national program in collaboration with state and federal departments of agriculture and industry representatives. The main objective is to use new diagnostic technology to effectively improve poultry and poultry products throughout the U.S. NPIP provides certification that poultry and poultry products destined for insterstate and international shipments are disease free.

This farm is part of the Pennsylvania Egg Quality Assurance Program (PEQAP), which institutes steps to reduce the risk of Salmonalla Enteritidis (SE) with an effective flock testing and management program.

This farm meets the quidelines established by the United Egg Producers (UEP), placing top priority on the comfort, health, and safety of the chickens.

This laying hen farm meets the standards for the Humane Farm Animal Care Program, which ensures that the hens on their farm are provided with a nutritious diet without antibiotics or hormones, and are raised with shelter, resting areas, sufficient space, and the ability to engage in natural behaviors.

To read more about free-range, please visit Our Products page of this website.